I’m super pleased to be offering an Introduction to EFT
(Emotional Freedom Technique) at the London Therapy Foundation
An introductory workshop with Lou Alexander
Saturday 18th March 2017
London Therapy Foundation
40 Lambert Avenue, Richmond TW9 4QR
EFT is a powerful, clinically proven technique that can help reduce stress, cravings, fears, depression and negativity to create health, vitality and confidence.
Unresolved stresses and negativity are now known to be responsible for 85% of illness, low self-confidence, decreased work efficiency and addictive behaviours which cause an imbalance in body, mind and spirit.
What would your life be like if you felt free from your emotional hooks? Imagine waking up in the morning excited and able to handle any situation, with an attitude that easily lets go of upsets, unwanted cravings and pain to create a positive outlook, energy and vitality.
During this 3-hour workshop, we will explore what EFT is, how it helps and its scientific background. You will experience EFT first hand as we will work with physical tensions, stress relief and cravings.
Lou first began her TAKE A BREATH™ journey many years ago, after finding herself in an extremely stressful work environment that started to negatively affect her health and wellbeing. This journey has now taken her to a very different place! In Lou’s own words: ‘I feel centred, calm and connected most of the time and when I don’t (because life happens) I have the skills to get myself back on track.’ She has trained as an Emotional Wellness Therapist and is a qualified and experienced Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and an advanced accredited Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner.
Cost: £15 – booking is by payment in full beforehand
For more information or to book a place, please email:
or call: 07957 416962
Refreshments provided