How are you doing? It’s been a while, right!
Wowzer (I feel like this word is underused), it’s been quite a year; parts have been absolutely amazing and other parts have kicked me in the butt hard. You know how you imagine the beginning of a year to be, full of hope and newness. Well that was pretty much how I expected Jan 2019 to be. I did not expect that I would be shrouded in flash backs and abject fear. I didn’t expect that almost anything from the sublime to the ridiculous could reduce me to tears. I was so full of self-judgement “I’ve worked on this I should be done”, “ I should be coping better” and my favourite “how can I help other people when I’m not perfect”
So, why am I telling you this? Honestly, I’ve ummmed and ahhhed and the part of my ego that tells me that I need to be perfect, says hell no, keep that to yourself girl. There is another part of me that is louder and stronger, and that’s the part of me that is here to be real, authentic and to be of service to others. The part of me that is determined to work through my stuff and come to a place of peace, the part of me that knows that the way to break through the stigma around mental health is for people to talk about.
When I reflect on my journey at the various stages that have come, so far one of the defining features is always the people that are there to offer support when you need it most. Have you ever had one of those moments where connecting with the concept of hope feels a little like believing in a mythical creature? That’s the point when a wonderful person can hold that hope for you until you are ready to hold it for yourself again.
Hope is one of the many reasons that I became a Mental Health First Aid Instructor. I want everyone who needs access to hope, to have it. MHFA England have a beautiful goal to train 1 in 10 people, that is a whole lot of hope right there. In support of their big beautiful goal I am offering 9 spots on my next course on 26thand 27thof September at the Chocolate Factory in Wood Green for £150 per delegate (RRP £375).
The Adult MHFA Two Day training teaches people how to identify, understand and help others who may be experiencing a mental health issues. The course can be attended by anyone aged 18 and over, whether you wish to become an appointed Mental Health First Aider at your place of work or wish to support your family and friends who may be experiencing mental health issues.
Do you know someone who would like to join us? Maybe you feel called to join us? Securing your spot is super simple, just follow the link below:
Here’s to hope and healing.
Big love
Lou xx